These are some great magazine and contest opportunities closing in the next six weeks.
Read the host's information carefully and submit responsibly. Good luck!
Some February deadlines from the January post are also included here.
The First Line
Deadline: February 1
Entry: FREE
Payment: $10-50 (dependent)
Word count: 5,000 (f); must begin with "I am the second Mrs. Roberts."
Details: "The purpose of The First Line is to help writers break through the block that is the blank page. Each issue contains short stories that stem from a common first line; it also provides a forum for discussing favorite first lines in literature."
Find all the details here: thefirstline.com/submission.htm
Sci Phi Journal
Deadline: February 2
Entry: FREE
Payment: €0-60
Word count: 5,000, f/nf/p
Details: "Sci Phi Journal is a cosy waystation for travellers who, through no fault of their own, find themselves at the cosmic intersection between speculative philosophy, cultural anthropology and hard SF."
Find all the details here: sciphijournal.org/index.php/submission-guidelines
Atlas and Alice
Deadline: February 10
Entry: FREE
Prizes: No
Word count: 4,000 (f), 4,500 (nf), 10pg (p)
Details: "It’s that kind of intersection—in the case of our title, between literature and science—that interests us. We like things that meet, conjoin, dance, rebound, explode. Bring two things together; see what happens."
Find all the details here: atlasandalice.com/submit
Deadline: February 14
Entry: FREE
Payment: No
Word count: 4,000 (f/nf), 3pc (p); theme of "When I Get Younger"
Details: "Palindrome is looking for pieces with an emphasis on liminality and cycles, but welcomes any submissions fitting our issue theme."
Find all the details here: palindromejournal.my.canva.site/#page-1
Aberration Labyrinth
Deadline: February 15
Entry: FREE
Payment: No
Word count: short poems or 2-sentence stories
Details: "Underground writers who are looking for a place to muck up the internet with their bold and interesting writing. We treasure poetry that strays from the path."
Find all the details here: aberrationlabyrinth.blogspot.com/p/submission-guidelines
Blue Mesa Review
Deadline: February 28
Entry: FREE
Payment: No
Word count: 6,000 (f/nf), 3pc (p)
Details: "We are seeking strong voices and lively, compelling narrative with a fine eye for craft. We look forward to reading your best work!"
Find all the details here: bmr.unm.edu/submissions
Deadline: February 28
Entry: FREE
Payment: No
Word count: 3,000 (f/nf), 5pc (p); theme of "Lost in Translation"
Details: "We have a penchant for pretty words, an affinity to the melancholy, and an undeniably time-ful aura. We believe that stories exist in a specific moment, and that that moment is what makes those stories unique."
Find all the details here: capsulestories.com/submissions
Southword Journal
Deadline: February 28 (p), March 31 (f)
Entry: FREE
Prizes: €40-250
Word count: 5,000 (f), 4pc (p)
Details: "Southword: New International Writing is a print literary journal published twice a year by the Munster Literature Centre."
Find all the details here: munsterlit.ie/southword
The Emblazoned Soul
Deadline: March 1
Entry: FREE
Prizes: No
Word count: 2,000 (f/nf), 4pc (p); theme of "Heart on Fire"
Details: "a small, grassroots publication supporting writers from all backgrounds, giving them a voice, and empowering them to continue inspiring both themselves, and others."
Find all the details here: emblazonedsoulreview.com/submissions.html
Savage Mystery Contest
Deadline: Open March 18-20
Entry: FREE
Payment: $35-50 (dependent)
Word count: TBA, theme TBA
Details: "[This] is a 48-hour short story writing contest. [It] runs twice a year, on the weekends closest to March 21 and September 21. All entries must be composed within the contest time frame, and adhere to the topic and word range announced at the contest start."
Theresa's Note: This is similar to Writer's Games with a surprise announcement and word count, though without the free feedback.
Find all the details here: tclj.toasted-cheese.com/savage-writing-contest
You can find more great opportunities on Chill Subs!
Please submit responsibly.
About the author: Theresa is the co-founder of The Writer's Workout, a crime fiction writer, and the editor at Premier Literary Services.