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The Writer's Workout

Four Tips to Love Your Writing

by EJ Fowler and Sarah Perchikoff

Sometimes, one of the hardest things a writer can do is love their writing. Being self-deprecating or hating the words on the page is what we're used to. While it doesn't necessarily mean we hate our writing (most of the time we're just not quite satisfied with the words), loving our writing and our stories is so much more revolutionary. Being hard on ourselves can come easy but seeing your strengths and recognizing them will make your writing journey so much more enjoyable.

So let's take a look at a few tips to help us all love our writing!

Remember the creative aspect of bringing a work to life

Sometimes, when we're writing we forget what we're actually doing. We aren't just putting words on the page. We're creating worlds, lives, relationships, whole people out of complete dust. That's not some small thing. We shouldn't forget that. Even if what we've written still needs some editing, the fact that we've created something that never existed before IS AMAZING! Remembering that can be one way to take the weight of writing the "right" words off your shoulders and allow you to fall in love with your writing again.

Be sure to give yourself breaks

This is possibly one of the most important tips. We've all heard of people writing 40,000 words in a day. Maybe you've even done it a time or two. But taking breaks will ensure you don't burn out, that your story doesn't suffer, and that you don't start hating your own story. Anytime we feel forced to write for whatever reason, it takes away the fun and we might even come to resent the task. Breaks can ensure you get the rest you need and that your story gets you at your best.

Take time away from a project so you can return with fresh eyes

As much as you need breaks during the writing process, you also need to take a break after finishing the first, second, or tenth draft of a story. How much time you need is very personal. Some writers take a few days, some take weeks or months. Take whatever time you need so when you come back, you have fresh eyes and are able to objectively look at your words and revise what needs to be changed.

This works even if you aren't done with a project too. If you're stuck and you feel like you've tried everything, why not take a break? Perhaps when you come back it won't be as difficult as you thought.

Remember that your writing is never meaningless

No matter what, no matter what you're thinking about your writing, you must remember that it's never meaningless. It doesn't matter if you're writing a serious dystopian thriller or a fun romance, your writing always means something. There is always at least one person who is waiting to read your specific story or who needs to read your words. No matter what the story is, there's always someone out there who will love it.

What tips have you found that help you love your writing? Let us know in the comments below!


About the Authors: EJ Fowler's introduction to The Writer's Workout was as an intern during the 2017 Writer's Games, where her passion for engaging with writers and talking about how writing works led her to becoming the Director of Social Media. She graduated from Grand Valley State University with a Bachelor's degree in Communication Studies, Writing, and a minor in Applied Linguistics.

Recently, she's been spending a lot of time taking care of her and her partner's new kitten: Ophelia, who lovingly goes by Ophie (@ophiethekitten) as she loves to sit on keyboards and play with hair ties. Keep up with EJ on Instagram: @andromeda_falls

Sarah Perchikoff is a writer of many different things: novels, short stories, articles, and blog posts. When she's not writing or editing (or procrastinating), she likes to play with her dog, Gracie, and read way too many books and blog about them at Bookish Rantings. She’s also known to hoard Sour Patch Kids, spend too much time on social media, and eat as many french fries as possible. Sarah currently lives in Michigan where she, unsuccessfully, tries to stay warm.

Sarah started as an intern/judge for the Writer's Games and is now the Director of Brand for The Writer's Workout. She loves to see how writers develop their process, hone their craft, and the unique stories they come up with through their writing journey. You can connect with Sarah on Twitter: @sperchikoff.


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