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Writer's Workout Conference

After two years of back-to-back Long Covid, the constant aches, exhaustion, and brain fog I've been fighting are starting to disappear. I feel like a person again. 2023 gave me familial loss, broken bones, selling a house, and moving 150+ miles; hardships but also perspective.

Taking a break from Writer's Games this year helped me reconnect with our purpose and original goals. We've wanted to host a conference since 2015—it's been part of our long term plan but I've always struggled to find the time to, well, plan it.

But now... it is FINALLY HAPPENING!!

S.E. Reed (you may remember her as our April Potluck guest, regular contributor, bestselling author, and all-around amazing human) joined our team in September to help plan workshops. I thought we'd schedule a few at first, maybe every other month to start, and work our way up to planning a conference. But no.


She knew I wanted more than a few workshops spread out across the year; her first pitch was a full, three-day conference. A dream come true. And it's happening, writers.

It. Is. Happening!

We've reached out to amazing volunteers—specialists—from around the world to create short workshops and talks you can attend for free, this March. We'll have a live chat on each video talk and support on Discord to help you find what you need. Until then, we're gathering your questions via email and social media for the Q&A segment at the end of each presentation.

Check out the incredible list so far on the brand new Conference page and let us know that you plan to attend! Join us for October's #WriteChat on Discord to hear more about the plan, offer suggestions, and ask questions.

Want to help? We'd love to hear from you and we still have space available! Email me at or click the "Contact Us" link on any page.


About the author: Theresa is the co-founder of The Writer's Workout, a crime fiction writer, and a developmental editor at Premier Literary Services.


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